
Language list

The Language switcher is a language selector of the European Commission that users can access on every page, through an overlay. This can accommodate for both official & non-official EU languages.


  • match the label of the language with the selected language
  • display only the languages in which the content has been translated in and is available


  • don't display languages as options in the language list if they are not available on your site

When to use

  • this is a site-wide component and thus it must be available on every page in case users want to switch languages

When not to use

  • should be used on every page

Language splash page

The Language Splash page is a language selector of the European Commission that users are presented with upon entering the website. This can accommodate for both official & non-official EU languages.


  • match the label of the language with the selected language
  • display only the languages in which the content has been translated in and is available


  • don't display languages as options in the language list if they are not available on your site

When to use

  • this is a site-wide component and thus it must be available on entry point, indicating the available languages

When not to use

  • should be used on every page